Thursday, June 14, 2012

See you all again soon!

Wow, where do I even begin? The year just zoomed by with a blink of an eye. The last week has been busy and productive, and has definitely stirred up a lot of emotions for every single kid and grown-up in 1JK. However, on the flip side, it is a great thing that we are feeling sad because it means that we have really created a strong bond as a class over the past year and it is a bit hard to part for two months for summer, and of course, even harder to say goodbye to those who are leaving TAISM.

I wanted to thank you all over you again for everything you've done for Ms. Zulfa and me. And most importantly, all the things you've been doing with your child at home - it is much much appreciated! Without your love and support, your child wouldn't have come this far. So congratulations!!

Those who are traveling this summer, have a safe and fun vacation. And for those who are leaving, please know that we will be thinking of you and we wish you all the best.

Congratulations on a successful year! Enjoy the summer! = )

Monday, June 11, 2012

Ice Cream and Pool Party - What a combo!

Our first graders celebrated the end of the year in sweet style. Thanks to the outstanding efforts of our room moms and generous parent contributors, we celebrated with ice cream sundaes of every variety.  The cafeteria was transformed into an ice cream parlor for this event and students were able to make their own outrageous sundae creations. We then continued to cool off with a splash in the pool. It was great fun. Thank you all for your efforts to make this happen.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Pool Party

Just a reminder that our end of year pool party is on Saturday June 9th at 2:00. Please send a swim suit, towel, pool shoes (crocs or flip flops) and goggles with your child to school on Saturday. We will start with an ice cream sundae in the cafeteria and then make our way to the pool at 2:45- 3:30pm. Thanks to our wonderful room moms- Rania, Rasmia, and Sara for organizing this event. Pick up will be back at the classrooms.Thank you! 


Parents, thank you so much for coming to our End-of-Year Portfolio Celebration this morning. It was wonderful seeing all of you, celebrating the achievements that your child has made this year. They have really worked hard and made great strides. Congratulations to all!

Once again, thank you all of you for the beautiful gifts. The silver bangle and necklace are exquisite. Ms. Zulfa also loves her glass serving platter and is looking forward to inviting guests to her house this summer. A big thank you for our room moms this year: Rasmia, Rania, and Sara. Without them, we wouldn't have this many successful events and extra learning opportunities for our children.

Counting down... just one more week to go! 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Elementary School Spring Concert

Well done, elementary students! What a treat it was yesterday to see and hear our students perform in the very new and special Bosch Center on the TAISM campus. I am sure you enjoyed it too. A special thank you to Mrs. Wilson and Mr. Drahos, our musical directors, and all the elementary school teachers who partook the event and making it so successful.

We are looking forward to seeing you all for our Grade One Portfolio Share on Wednesday, where we will catch you up on what we have been doing recently as well as look back at some of our work from this year. See you for a 9:30 start. The event will finish at 10:15 when the children go off to morning recess. We are looking forward to seeing you!