Thursday, June 14, 2012

See you all again soon!

Wow, where do I even begin? The year just zoomed by with a blink of an eye. The last week has been busy and productive, and has definitely stirred up a lot of emotions for every single kid and grown-up in 1JK. However, on the flip side, it is a great thing that we are feeling sad because it means that we have really created a strong bond as a class over the past year and it is a bit hard to part for two months for summer, and of course, even harder to say goodbye to those who are leaving TAISM.

I wanted to thank you all over you again for everything you've done for Ms. Zulfa and me. And most importantly, all the things you've been doing with your child at home - it is much much appreciated! Without your love and support, your child wouldn't have come this far. So congratulations!!

Those who are traveling this summer, have a safe and fun vacation. And for those who are leaving, please know that we will be thinking of you and we wish you all the best.

Congratulations on a successful year! Enjoy the summer! = )

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