Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Writer's Workshop and Word Work

Our writers and word workers have been extremely busy! In writer's workshop, our writers have been writing so many personal narrative stories and their writing folders are just stuffed with page and pages of these fantastic stories! This week we learned that writers don't always start a new story, and instead, they work on an "old story" by adding more details. A lot of them continued working on their old stories this week by telling more about "what I did", "what I saw", "what I said", and "how I felt". Now these writers are writing their stories across pages with matching illustration, labels, and even speech bubbles. We are at the stage of "revise and edit" now, and soon we will be ready to publish our very first personal narrative story of the year! Stay tuned for our publishing party!

In word work, we have been working hard in our small groups. Each day, these small groups rotate to a different word work activity. This week I introduced a new activity called "read, make and write". After introducing the word sort to them, students draw the picture/word card and they have to read what it says, then make the word using magnetic letters 3 times, then they write it. This is a great activity to reinforce the word sort feature that they are working on that week. Some of the word sort features that our children learned this week are: beginning consonants B, M, R, S, P, T, M; word family "-at"; beginning digraphs /th/ and /wh/; and short vowels /a/ and /o/.
Ask your child to put on their word detective hat and "word hunt" some of these features in their books this weekend.  = )

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