Sunday, February 19, 2012

Discover Oman - Ghala Village and Hot Spring Hike

Thank you to our parent chaperones, Birte, Sarah, Dalia, Ann-Christine, and Dominique, who helped us out today at our hiking trip in Ghala. We had a wonderful adventure exploring the area. First, we felt the warm water that comes from the hot springs in the reservoir and falaj, and discussed how the spring water and falaj are useful and helpful to the villagers. After, we began our hike; trekking through a scenic and rocky trail all the way up to the top of the mountain. On our way up, we found rocks of different shapes, colors and sizes, thorny bushes and desert shrubs, small black beetles, and even bones! After a 20-minute hike up, we sat down and had our snack while we enjoyed the top view of Muscat city - overlooking areas of palm trees and white buildings. Back in class, our children took out the many "mental pictures" they had taking in their minds during our hike, and color-painted the images that were their favorites. Later, we used our paintings to help us with some written reflections to further capture the great time we had experienced.