Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Importance of Water Cycle

This week our scientists have been learning about how the water cycle creates different types of weather and how the sun plays a significant role in the water cycle. The sun gives out heat energy that has the ability to evaporate water and its water vapor raise up in the air and forms clouds (condensation). When the clouds become too heavy because it is made up with millions and millions of water droplets, precipitation occurs and depending on the temperature, it would come down from the sky as rain, snow, sleet, or hail. This water cycle goes on and on and all living things depend on it.

We then did an experiment to learn how water changes through evaporation, condensation and precipitation. We filled 1/3 water in a glass jar, covered it tightly with a piece of saran wrap and secured it with an elastic band and left it outside on the window ledge for a day. We hypothesized what might happen to the jar, water, or saran wrap after leaving it out under the sun for a day. Here are some hypotheses:

"I think the inside of the glass jar will be wet." - Kasper
"I think there will be less water." - Mia
"I think some water will be evaporated." - Yaseen

After a day, we observed the changes that occurred to our water cycle, we made some important notes. Ask your child what was inside the jar, on the wrapper and the water level.

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