Friday, March 2, 2012

This week in Math

As we wrapped up our 2D and 3D shapes unit last week, we are now moving on to a mini unit, Fractions. We read aloud a story, Give Me Half, by Stuart J. Murphy, and discussed what it means to distribute an equal share among a given number of people. We came up with a definition that a fraction is a part/share that is divided up equally from a whole.
We also explored fraction strips - experimenting different ways that a whole can be distributed equally- half, thirds, and quarters. We learned that a half can be written as 1/2; a third can be written as 1/3; and one fourth or one quarter can be written as 1/4. Our mathematicians came up with the following findings: 

"Two quarters equal to one half." 
"Two halves equal to one whole." 
"I'd rather have one half a a chocolate bar then one third." 
"Three quarters is bigger than one half." 

We are going to continue exploring fractions this coming week. At home this week, ask your child about fractions as you are preparing food, for example: sharing a cake, cutting a pizza into pieces, or dividing objects in groups, such as markers, or blocks. 

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